Sunday, September 29, 2019

Slides, yes! Presentation, no! Reflection.

Slides, yes! Presentation, no!- Reflection

When creating slide presentations (whether using Google slides or Power Point), I have always found myself needing to scale back on the amount of text I would include on each slide. Slide presentations are meant not to be too crowded, as they become overbearing and the goal of the content gets lost (as a presentation). However, since with this assignment we were to use Google Slides NOT as a presentation tool, I found I was able to include lots of text within my slides. 

The intent for these slides is to be used as a study guide for my common theme of a 2nd grade water cycle unit. It can either be printed off as a hard copy, or it can be used online. I did try to stick with fonts and some graphics that I had used in prior "lessons" for this, as to keep some familiarity going with this theme. I also tried to choose graphics and backgrounds that would transfer over well if printed out.

At the end of the study guide, the last few pages are meant to be filled in by the student, as to check their learning and quiz themselves. Whether they use it as a print-out or online, it will be just as effective. After watching the video on how to 'drag and drop', I decided to use that for those pages where the students quiz themselves. I think I have three slides where I created a background in a separate slide doc, saved them as images, then inserted them as backgrounds so that they were fixed and the students would not be able to move them around. They will only be able to move around the words that are in the word banks to insert them in the appropriate blanks. Again, the fill-in-the-blanks will still work just as effectively as a print-out.

1 comment:

  1. The design decision to make this useful both online (digital) offline (print) give it versitility and can help when some students have the skills to complete the digital verions and other students want to approach it in a more traditional way.
    Giving the students the opportunity to refelct on their learning and sumairze the key points is a good closing activity.
