Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Google Slides Reflection

Google Slides Reflection

Google Slides: I like it. It's nothing too fancy or intricate, but it still seems to be very effective. It is pretty straight forward, and reminds me of Power Point. For my presentation, I decided to stick with my theme of a second grade lesson on the water cycle. My objective going in was to present the content in a manner that was not boring and would hopefully hold the students' attention. To achieve this, I made use of the animation feature. If Power Point has a similar feature, I have never used it before. It took me just a couple of quick Google searches to fully understand how to get the animation tool to work to my liking. Using animation in slides really helped to segment or sort the information that was within each slide. That way, not all of the information is readily visible on each slide immediately. This should help to keep students focused on one point of a slide and not read or look ahead (although each individual slide should not be overrun with too much information). 
I also tried to keep the animation relevant to whatever it was animating. For example, for evaporation I had the animation moving up from the bottom. For precipitation I had it coming down from the top. If animation is to be used, I think it should be relevant to whatever it is representing as much as possible as to "drive the idea/concept home" even more!


1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed your google slides on the water cycle! I like the animation that you incorporated. I agree that animation can help a great deal in a presentation at keeping students attention on the material. You also do not put all the information immediately on the slide which can help students not feel overwhelmed by all the content at once.
