Sunday, October 13, 2019

Formative Assessment Tool

Formative Assessment Tool: Quizizz

So far, I absolutely love this tool. I chose to use Quizizz to create my formative assessment because out of all of the tools that were featured in class last week, this one was the most fun. While it was being presented, I recall feeling excited and actually sitting at the edge of my seat while I was going through the quiz questions. The way that the questions are formatted is very pleasing to the eye and intriguing. The fun memes in between each question are a perfect touch. After answering each question, you could see how you ranked in real-time with other participants. All of the graphics, sounds, and even fonts are all really pleasing. 

Quizizz is a super effective tool for how I would like to deliver formative assessments. Not only can the content be delivered via a quiz, but the tool can also seamlessly take the quiz questions that were created and turn them into flash cards. To create a quiz, you can either construct your own questions/answers, or you can search for other quizzes and "teleport" any question(s) you want from quizzes that were created by others. Both methods are extremely easy. Creating within this tool is just as easy from an iPad as it is from a laptop. When I began this assignment, I started building my Quizizz assessment at home from my laptop. I did not finish it before I went to visit family for the weekend. I brought along my iPad with me so I could work on it while I was away. I was initially a little worried that it would not be as easy to create within the tool from my iPad as it was from my laptop, as sometimes things just aren't as easy from an iPad/tablet. I have run into that before, where I have started working within a tool from a laptop or computer, then went on travel and had to try to work on it from a tablet or iPad, and it wasn't as easy. With Quizizz, I found it was just as easy. I deem this as an extremely important quality, since teachers are such busy people, and always seem to be working and creating from home or on the fly. Tools need to be just as easily accessible from various types of technology!

I would absolutely rate this tool a 10/10! Creating a meaningful formative assessment was extremely easy. This actually surprised me some, as when we got to try it out in class, it seemed of such high quality and I initially thought it must have taken so much time, thought, and planning to create. It truly was so easy! You can create your own questions, or pick from so many other current and relevant quizzes to use questions from. The memes in between each question are such a fun touch, very attention-keeping! Students can use the flash card function to assess their own understanding. Students of most ages can easily use this independently, which is another plus!

1 comment:

  1. Trying out the app on different devices and brining up the need to sometimes do so was something I had not considered. The mobility for busy teachers could prove highly beneficial. I also like that you include the 'fun' aspect as part of the shift in changing views on assessment.
